Testing ticks for Lyme Disease offers peace of mind
and is far more accurate than testing humans.
How It Works

Remove the Tick
Ticks can be alive or dead for testing. They can even be dried out or frozen and in pieces – it does not affect testing!

Enclose the Tick
Place the tick(s) in a small zip-lock style bag by itself without any cotton, paper towels, tape, etc.

Fill Out the Form + Mail the Tick
Fill out the Lyme Disease Test order form. Rush and Urgent testing options are available for an additional fee. Upon completion, you will receive a confirmation email with information on where and how to send in your tick for testing. In-person drop off is also available in Sterling, Virginia.

Get Results in 1 to 3 Days
Your tick will be tested and results emailed securely and privately delivered via email – usually within 72 hours of receiving the tick. Most ticks are analyzed within a day or less after receiving the tick. Rush and Urgent testing is also available.
Testing Ticks for Lyme Disease
DID YOU KNOW that ticks are the primary way that humans get Lyme disease? If bitten by an infected Blacklegged Deer and Western Deer Ticks (Ixodes sp.) tick, humans and pets can be infected and may develop Lyme disease, which is caused by a bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. Testing ticks for Lyme disease is a cost effective way of at least knowing if the tick that bit you (or Fido) had the potential to transmit the disease.
Because these two species of tick are the ONLY two that are known to carry and transmit Lyme, we ONLY test Blacklegged (Deer) and Western Blacklegged (Deer) ticks. The other reason that we only test (Deer) ticks for Lyme, is because Lyme disease is the *ONLY* tick-borne illness for which any prophylactic medications are effective and recommended!